Chrysopelea Taprobanica – Sri Lanka

About Chrysopelea Taprobanica

The Chrysopelea taprobanica, also known as the Sri Lankan Flying Snake, is a species of snake found only in Sri Lanka. These snakes are fascinating creatures with unique physical features and behaviors. Let’s dive into some interesting facts about the Chrysopelea taprobanica.

Physical Appearance of Chrysopelea Taprobanica

The Chrysopelea taprobanica has a long and slender body, which is flattened and aerodynamic, allowing them to glide through the air. They have a brownish-green color with black spots on their back, while their underside is yellowish-green. They can grow up to 1.5 meters in length.

Habitat and Distribution of Chrysopelea Taprobanica

These snakes are endemic to Sri Lanka and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, scrublands, and plantations. They are most commonly found in the wet zone of Sri Lanka, but can also be found in the dry zone.

Diet and Behavior of Chrysopelea Taprobanica

The Chrysopelea taprobanica is a carnivorous snake, feeding on a variety of prey such as lizards, rodents, and birds. They are diurnal creatures and are active during the day. These snakes are also known for their ability to glide through the air, which they do by flattening their body and using their ribs to create a wing-like shape.

Conservation Status

The Chrysopelea taprobanica is listed as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, like many other reptiles, they face threats from habitat loss, poaching, and the introduction of invasive species.


In conclusion, the Chrysopelea taprobanica, or Sri Lankan Flying Snake, is a unique and fascinating snake found only in Sri Lanka. With its distinctive physical features and behaviors, it is a favorite among nature enthusiasts and reptile lovers. However, conservation efforts must be taken to protect these snakes and their habitats to ensure their survival for future generations. As a responsible traveler, consider joining a tour with a reputable company like Ceylon Wild Tours, which promotes responsible tourism practices and offers opportunities to observe these incredible creatures in their natural habitats.

Picture of Thusitha Jayalath

Thusitha Jayalath

I work as a freelance content writer for a number of different blog sites. Wildlife viewing is a well-known or attractive way to pass the time. In their writings, the majority of the authors focused on wildlife places and the creatures that live there. To educate the readers on what we have in Sri Lanka from a global viewpoint, I am putting up my best effort. Let's go on a wildlife exploration of Sri Lanka together, and I'll guide you through every step of the way by explaining everything I know. If my articles have brightened your day, I invite you to read a couple of my other blog posts as well if you have some spare time on your hands.

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